Need to learn Python or need a refresher?

In my pursuit to become a machine learning engineer, I have noticed that most machine learning forums recommend learning Python. In order to make sure that I am brushed up on my basic Python skills, I ordered the book "Learning Python 3 the Hard Way" by Zed. A Shaw. While many of the early exercises are so basic even the most novice programmer could complete them, the second half of the book picked up the pace by giving more challenging exercises that involve object oriented programming, virtual environments, and  building a website using Python.  I would recommend this book to anyone who is either new to programming or needs to brush up on their Python skills. If you are experienced in programming, this book might only take you about a month to complete if you put an hour in a day. I didn't want to pay for the hard cover of the book so I bought if for Kindle on where it is currently only $17.27.

If you are new to programming, maybe you don't want to put any money down until you know for sure that you enjoy programming. If you are at this phase, I would highly recommend these two resources which immensely helped me learn programming back in my undergrad years: Codecademy and YouTube programming teacher thenewboston who makes even the most complex programming concepts easy to understand. And the best part about both of these is that they are absolutely free! thenewboston will help you understand concepts where codecademy will reinforce what you have learned from thenewboston so I highly reccomend using both of these resources.

If you have any other resources for learning Python, please feel free to leave them in the comments below I am honestly curious what other people have used to learn Python programming and might even give me some ideas on how to continue my learning of the languages.


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